LINE Kids' Phone

LINE Kids' Phone is a premium smartwatch for kids produced by KIWI PLUS. It was launched in the market in late 2015 and distributed by KT, one of the major telecommunications services providers in South Korea. The product's main features included location tracking, calling, and instant messaging.

As not many wearable devices in the market at this point were designed particularly for children, creating a new user experience for a kids' smartwatch was the most challenging task of this project. The project also involved product, web, and package design teams.

LINE Kids' Phone


Designing the user experience for LINE Kids' Phone started with an essential question: "What should the user experience of kids' wearable devices be like?" To make accessing each function easier, we limited the number of primary functions and suggested a horizontal widget stream system with a minimum screen hierarchy.

UX flow sketch for LINE Kids' Phone UX flow sketch for LINE Kids' Phone